Monday, August 13, 2012

Question of the week. MiG-25 vs MiG-31

This is a little experiment. Anyone who wants to may answer the question in the comments. I will try to make the questions more weekly than the posts have been so far. This weeks question, Witch is faster, The MiG-25 or the MiG-31. I have my own answer but based on proof and eloquence presentation I might change my mind. For now think of it as way to show off what you know!  


  1. The Mig-25 is faster because that is what it was made for, intercepting high-speed bombers (which the US ended up abandoning in favor of stealth planes and cruise missiles anyways.) And while the Mig-31 has a high top speed, it has MUCH greater flying and interception range thanks to bigger fuel, a much bigger Zaslon AESA (Airborne Eletronically Scanned Aray) and longer ranged missiles because it was built to intercept enemy bombers and cruise missiles much farther out.

  2. As far as I know all that is true, although I was not aware that the MiG-31 possessed an AESA radar. The interesting thing that I've found is that in almost every source that contains specs on these two aircraft they are quoted as having the same maximum speed (Mach 2.83). But at the same time I heard of an instance where a MiG-25 reached Mach 3.2 (although it's engines were effectively destroyed in the process. The stance I'm taking is basically what you've presented, that one was designed for high speed, and the other for long range. Many people still downplay the MiG-31 capabilities but I will say that is one interceptor I do not want to face down!
